Snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers, young Furiosa falls into the hands of a great biker horde led by the warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland, they come across the Citadel, presided over by the Immortan Joe. As the two tyrants fight for dominance, Furiosa soon finds herself in a nonstop battle to make her way home.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, directed by the legendary George Miller, seeks to unravel the enigmatic backstory of Imperator Furiosa, a character that captured audiences' imaginations in the critically acclaimed Mad Max: Fury Road. With a screenplay by Miller and Nick Lathouris, and starring Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth, and Tom Burke, this film dives deep into Furiosa's origins amidst a war-torn landscape, filled with chaos and brutality.

The narrative centres around Furiosa’s quest for freedom after being captured by the warlord Dr. Dementus. Entangled in a deadly struggle for supremacy between Dementus and the formidable Immortan Joe, ruler of the Citadel, Furiosa’s story is one of survival, vengeance, and relentless drive. Set against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, the film promises an odyssey that chronicles years of Furiosa’s life, explaining who she is, why she fights, and what drives her in a world where modern society has collapsed.

Anya Taylor-Joy steps into the shoes of Furiosa, a role previously embodied by Charlize Theron. Taylor-Joy brings a new dimension to the character, portraying a younger, more vulnerable Furiosa. However, despite her commendable performance, Furiosa's portrayal lacks the hardened strength and agency expected. She remains a passive character for much of the film, rarely making her own decisions and often following others' leads. This passivity prevents the film from feeling driven and diminishes the impact of her character's journey.

Chris Hemsworth, as Dr. Dementus, infuses the film with a chaotic energy reminiscent of his comedic sensibilities in Thor: Ragnarok. His portrayal, though engaging, sometimes feels out of place in the grim, desolate world of Mad Max. The combination of a prosthetic nose and a quirky, chaotic demeanour makes his character feel less menacing and more theatrical, which can be jarring.

Miller, known for his masterful blending of CGI, practical effects, and digital enhancements, creates a visually stunning film. The post-apocalyptic landscapes, the Citadel, Gastown, and the Bullet Farm are all depicted with a mix of practical sets and computer-generated imagery. However, unlike the seamless integration in Fury Road, the digital effects in Furiosa are more noticeable, often making the action feel like it's happening against a screen rather than a real background. This digital sheen, while visually impressive, lacks the raw, gritty authenticity that made Fury Road so compelling.

The vehicular mayhem that fans expect from a Mad Max film is present in abundance. From War Rigs attacked by paragliding raiders to anarchic chases involving monster trucks, the action sequences are intense and meticulously crafted. Yet, the deliberate pacing and division into various chapters make the film feel like a collection of set pieces rather than a cohesive narrative. The film’s extended runtime of 2 hours and 28 minutes can lead to moments of meandering, dampening the impact of its more thrilling sequences.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga attempts to provide a deep emotional core by exploring Furiosa's backstory. However, it struggles to build authentic emotional connections. Miller's focus on spectacle over substance results in a film that feels beautiful but hollow. The emotional attachment to Furiosa, which should be central to the narrative, is missing. Her survival and revenge tale, while engaging, lacks the depth and complexity needed to make it truly compelling.

The film's portrayal of Furiosa’s assimilation into the impoverished culture, her survival through puberty while hiding her gender, and her infiltration of the Citadel as a mute boy are all fascinating elements. Yet, they are not explored with the depth they deserve. This lack of exploration leaves the audience with little understanding of her struggles and triumphs, making it difficult to fully invest in her journey.

Comparisons to Mad Max: Fury Road are inevitable, and Furiosa often falls short. Fury Road was a masterclass in pacing, blending relentless action with deep character development and minimal dialogue. Furiosa, on the other hand, feels slower and less cohesive. The breakneck pacing of Fury Road is missed, as Furiosa often meanders, detracting from the impact of its set pieces.

Additionally, the film’s reliance on CGI, while visually stunning, lacks the tangible realism that practical effects brought to Fury Road. The more blatant digital effects, combined with waves of combatants and repetitive action sequences, can feel more like a rehash than a reinvention. The film’s attempt to hit all the familiar points of the Mad Max universe results in a narrative that feels familiar and predictable, rather than fresh and innovative.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is a visually impressive film that delves into the origins of one of the franchise's most intriguing characters. However, it struggles with pacing, emotional depth, and character agency. While Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth deliver strong performances, their characters are often overshadowed by the film’s focus on spectacle. The blend of practical effects and CGI, though visually stunning, lacks the seamless integration that made Fury Road a masterpiece.

In the end, Furiosa tries hard to deliver a compelling narrative and intense action, but it falls short of the high bar set by its predecessor. It remains an entertaining addition to the Mad Max saga, but it lacks the raw, emotional impact that made Fury Road a modern classic. For fans of the franchise, it offers a deeper look into Furiosa’s backstory, but it may leave some longing for the relentless energy and innovation of Fury Road.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga was released in NZ cinemas on 24 May, 2024