Rosa is a young rebel girl who lives with her grandmother and her uncle in a remote part of Calabria, in Southernmost Italy. Her mother's untimely death when Rosa was a child casts a gloomy shadow on her present life. 

Una Femmina - The Code of Silence is a tense and compelling film directed by Francesco Costabile, making his debut in the director's chair. The screenplay, penned by Lirio Abbate, Edoardo De Angelis, and Serena Brugnolo, exhibits a commendable level of craftsmanship. The cast, led by Lina Siciliano, Fabrizio Ferracane, and Anna Maria De Luca, delivers outstanding performances that elevate the narrative.

The film's central theme is succinctly captured by the quote, "Men are our misfortune". Drawing inspiration from Lirio Abbate's book "Rebel Women," the story revolves around Rosa, portrayed by Lina Siciliano, a young woman burdened by the haunting memories of her missing mother and the stifling silence of a family unwilling to confront rebellion.

Francesco Costabile adeptly constructs a thriller filled with moments of heightened tension, many of which are anchored by Lina Siciliano's impeccable portrayal of Rosa. While the pacing is not breakneck, the deliberate omission of certain scenes underscores the director's intent to demand the viewer's undivided attention. Most of the film unfolds within confined indoor spaces, creating a palpable sense of isolation and captivity. The judicious use of a desaturated colour palette further contributes to the film's sombre atmosphere.

Beyond its suspenseful narrative, The Code of Silence serves as a stark denouncement of the actions of the 'ndragheta, a notorious criminal organization, and the societal issues that arise from their pervasive presence in certain communities. At its core, the film explores the pivotal role played by women within these structures, whether actively supporting their operations or, in some cases, challenging the oppressive status quo through acts of rebellion.

What distinguishes The Code of Silence is Rosa's precarious position within a system dominated by her uncle, Salvatore Romeo (Fabrizio Ferracane), who serves as both the family patriarch and the criminal organization's leader. The complicity of the women in the family, who enforce silence and obedience, adds a layer of complexity to Rosa's struggle.

Set against the backdrop of Southern Italy, the film introduces us to Rosa, a defiant woman living with her grandparents and uncle in a remote region of Calabria. The farm where Rosa resides is the same place where her mother met a premature demise, casting a long shadow over her present. Her trauma is further compounded by the persistent violence and abuse she endures.

The Code of Silence draws inspiration from real events, lending authenticity to its narrative. Lina Siciliano's portrayal of Rosa, a character-driven by a thirst for vengeance yet marked by a quiet determination, has garnered widespread acclaim.

In terms of style, the film straddles the genres of psychological horror, melodrama, and thriller, seamlessly blending these elements to create a narrative that feels polished and mainstream, rather than gritty and raw. However, in its haste to conclude the story, the film leaves certain details unexplored, particularly the motivations behind the chief mafioso's interest in Rosa, despite her role in triggering conflict.

The film excels in depicting a culture seemingly frozen in time, where violence is an integral part of daily life. In such remote and arid landscapes, the harsh realities of extortion and racketeering shape the lives of its inhabitants, compelling ordinary men to assume the role of petty tyrants within their households.

The Code of Silence deviates from conventional gangster film tropes in several ways. There are no opulent lifestyles here; instead, Rosa's family operates a modest farm in the rugged terrain of Calabria. This setting amplifies the menace of Salvatore, Rosa's uncle, who is portrayed by Fabrizio Ferracane as a volatile and unpredictable figure. Ferracane's commanding presence on screen effectively conveys the tension that fills the room whenever Salvatore is present.

The film also subverts expectations by emphasizing the pivotal role of Rosa's grandmother (Anna Maria De Luca) and Rosa herself in uncovering family secrets and taking matters into their own hands. This departure from the conventional gangster film formula adds depth and intrigue to the narrative.

What makes The Code of Silence particularly effective is its gradual escalation of tension. As Rosa's suspicions grow, so does the suspense. Her strained interactions with family members convey the gravity of even minor missteps, all without the need for explicit exposition. Lina Siciliano's portrayal skillfully conveys Rosa's complex emotions, whether she is resolute and stoic or trembling with fear. It is a powerful performance that elicits genuine concern for Rosa's safety and a desire to see her break free from her family's shackles.

In its denouement, The Code of Silence delivers an unexpected conclusion, which, while not entirely satisfying, leaves the viewer with a sense of cautious optimism.

The Code of Silence is a gripping and thought-provoking thriller that maintains its hold on the audience from beginning to end. With a stellar cast, a compelling story, and a fresh take on the gangster genre, this film is a must-see for those seeking a cinematic experience that challenges conventions and explores the intricate dynamics of family, silence, and rebellion.

The Code of Silence was in selected theatres from July 27, 2023, as part of the Italian Film Festival