The untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever.

Transformers One brings a fresh and dynamic perspective to the beloved Transformers franchise, setting itself apart from previous live-action entries by focusing entirely on the world of the Autobots and Decepticons. Directed by Josh Cooley and featuring the voices of Chris Hemsworth, Brian Tyree Henry, and Scarlett Johansson, this animated feature dives into the rich history of Optimus Prime and Megatron, charting their tragic journey from brothers-in-arms to bitter enemies. With a strong emphasis on emotion, world-building, and character-driven storytelling, Transformers One feels like a rejuvenation of the franchise, injecting it with a level of depth and heart that many fans have longed for.

At its core, Transformers One is an origin story, exploring the early days of the Autobots and Decepticons on Cybertron. The film traces the bond between Optimus Prime and Megatron, highlighting how their once-strong friendship unravels into a bitter rivalry. The emotional weight of their relationship forms the backbone of the narrative, allowing the audience to truly empathize with both characters. It's a refreshing shift from the typical action-heavy plots of past films, offering more substance and depth to the conflict. This focus on character and story development is one of the film's greatest strengths, making the viewer feel the emotional stakes as Optimus and Megatron transform from allies to enemies.

One of the standout features of this film is how human-like the Transformers' facial expressions are. The animation team has done a remarkable job in bringing the Autobots and Decepticons to life, giving them emotions that resonate with the audience. Unlike previous iterations where the Transformers often felt robotic and distant, Transformers One gives them a sense of humanity. Their emotions are clear, their thoughts are visible, and their struggles are palpable. You can see the conflict in Optimus Prime's eyes, feel the anger and betrayal in Megatron's face, and experience the full range of emotions as they grapple with their differences. This attention to detail makes the characters feel alive, more than just machines engaged in battle.

Set entirely on the metallic world of Cybertron, Transformers One offers a visually stunning depiction of the planet, immersing the audience in a fully realised world. The art direction and world-building are top-notch, with every frame filled with intricate details that bring Cybertron to life. The action is clear, fast-paced, and exhilarating, yet the designs of each Transformer are distinct enough that there’s never any confusion about who is who. Each character’s design and colour scheme is instantly recognisable, helping to differentiate them in the heat of battle. The visual clarity is a breath of fresh air compared to the chaotic action sequences of previous live-action films, which often made it hard to keep track of the combatants. Here, everything is crisp and defined.

Clocking in at a brisk 104 minutes, Transformers One manages to strike the perfect balance between action and story. The film wastes no time getting to the heart of the matter, offering high-octane action sequences that are visually impressive without overstaying their welcome. The third act, in particular, is a spectacle of energy and excitement, ramping up the tension and delivering on the emotional beats that have been building throughout the film. While some may find the plot points predictable, the execution is so strong that it doesn’t diminish the impact of the story. The pacing is tight, and the action sequences are dynamic and thrilling, although some moments are so fast-paced that it may be difficult to keep up if seated too close to the screen.

Transformers One is clearly aimed at a younger audience, blending the coming-of-age genre with the world of robots. However, the film does an excellent job of making its themes and storylines accessible to all ages. The emotional depth, character development, and sense of nostalgia make it enjoyable for long-time fans of the franchise as well as newcomers. It strikes a careful balance, offering enough action and visual excitement to keep younger viewers engaged while also providing a thoughtful exploration of friendship, loyalty, and the cost of war. The coming-of-age aspect is seamlessly woven into the narrative, adding an extra layer of relatability.

One of the most refreshing aspects of Transformers One is its focus on the Transformers themselves. Unlike previous films, which often became bogged down in human-centric storylines, this movie keeps the attention squarely on the Autobots and Decepticons. The plot revolves around their conflicts, their relationships, and their world. By doing so, the film avoids the distraction of human drama, allowing for a more cohesive and engaging story. It's a welcome change for fans who have long wanted a film that truly centres the Transformers without the constant presence of human characters stealing the spotlight.

The film’s humour is blunt and direct, with moments of levity breaking up the intense action and drama. While the comedy may not appeal to everyone, it fits well within the tone of the film, keeping the overall atmosphere light-hearted even in the midst of darker moments. The jokes are in-your-face, but they serve their purpose of providing some relief amid the high-stakes action and emotional tension. The balance of humour and drama ensures that the film never feels too heavy, maintaining an enjoyable and engaging pace throughout.

Transformers One breathes new life into a franchise that many thought had run its course. By focusing on the origins of Optimus Prime and Megatron, the film offers a fresh take on a familiar story, rich in emotion, character development, and visual spectacle. With its stunning animation, engaging storyline, and focus on the Autobots and Decepticons themselves, this film delivers a Transformers experience that fans have been waiting for. Whether you're a long-time follower of the franchise or a newcomer, Transformers One is a triumphant return to form, proving that there is still plenty of life and creativity left in this iconic series.

Transformers One will be released in cinemas on September 26, 2024