A look at the military commander's origins and his swift, ruthless climb to emperor, viewed through the prism of his addictive and often volatile relationship with his wife and one true love, Josephine. 

In Ridley Scott's newest film, Napoleon, the acclaimed director takes us on a sweeping journey through ambition, power, and love amid historical chaos. Joaquin Phoenix stars as the iconic Emperor, and Vanessa Kirby portrays his mysterious love interest, Josephine. The movie unfolds as an epic tale of Napoleon Bonaparte's rise and fall, blending intense scenes with moments of lighthearted humour.

Remaining true to Ridley Scott's distinctive style, Napoleon embraces a grand scale with careful craftsmanship and lavish set designs. The film's ambitious vision is evident in its captivating battle sequences, showcasing Scott's skill in creating visually stunning depictions of historical conflicts, from the Battle of Austerlitz to the clash at Toulon.

Joaquin Phoenix's performance as Napoleon is nuanced, drawing comparisons to his previous roles in Joker and Gladiator. He skillfully navigates the complexities of Napoleon's character, portraying a man who is both confident and deeply insecure. The film allows Phoenix to paint a multifaceted portrait of Napoleon, exploring his interactions with peers, rivals, and the tumultuous relationship with Josephine.

Napoleon takes a unique narrative approach by telling the entire nation's story through the lens of marriage. The film delves into the mental and sexual dynamics between Napoleon and Josephine, revealing a tumultuous romance marked by manipulation, humiliation, and infidelity. Vanessa Kirby's portrayal of Josephine adds depth, depicting her as a woman engaged in a prolonged battle of wills with Napoleon.

A noteworthy aspect of Napoleon is its ability to balance tones, seamlessly shifting between gruesome war scenes and moments of playful humour. This dynamic adds layers to the narrative, preventing it from becoming a typical historical epic and humanizing the iconic figure of Napoleon Bonaparte.

At the movie's core is the tumultuous relationship between Napoleon and Josephine, exploring a love that defies convention and power dynamics in post-revolution France. Josephine's open engagement in extramarital affairs creates a complex dynamic that alternately nurtures and humiliates Napoleon. The film dedicates its 158-minute runtime to unravelling how Napoleon's unchecked insecurity shapes both his personal life and the course of history.

While Napoleon excels in large-scale battle sequences, it grapples with narrative cohesion during dialogue-driven scenes. The film occasionally teeters between serious drama and campy satire, leaving the audience uncertain of its intended tone. Despite these challenges, the exploration of Napoleon's character, from a toxic dictator to a vulnerable lover, introduces intriguing ideas that contribute to the film's overall complexity.

Joaquin Phoenix's performance captures Napoleon's contradictions – a leader with vaulting ambition and unchecked power, yet plagued by insecurities. The film delves into Napoleon's mind, portraying his vulnerability and the guardedness surrounding it. Phoenix adeptly contrasts Napoleon's public-facing confidence with the private struggles that define his character.

Amid grand battles and political intrigues, the heart of Napoleon lies in the relationship between Napoleon and Josephine. Vanessa Kirby's portrayal of Josephine, a woman who simultaneously respects, fears, and manipulates Napoleon, adds depth to the narrative. The film's occasional choppiness finds solace in scenes focused on the central relationship, providing a respite from the otherwise brisk pace.

Beyond depicting Napoleon's military achievements and political manoeuvres, Napoleon serves as a character study, inviting viewers to reflect on the broader frailties of humankind. The film explores Napoleon's rise from a Corsican outsider to an exalted emperor and, ultimately, a defeated exile. Ingeniously using domestic life to expand the viewer's understanding of him as a man, the movie emphasizes universal themes of love, ambition, and the consequences of unchecked power.

Napoleon stands out as a cinematic triumph, boldly exploring the complexities of its titular character. The film's grand scale, impressive battle sequences, and the compelling performances of Joaquin Phoenix and Vanessa Kirby elevate it to a noteworthy historical epic. Despite grappling with narrative cohesion and tonal shifts, Napoleon successfully delivers a multifaceted portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, shedding light on the personal struggles that shaped the destiny of both a man and a nation.

Napoleon will be in cinemas from November 23, 2023