TALL GIRL (2019)

When the tallest girl in high school falls for a handsome foreign exchange student, she becomes embroiled in a surprising love triangle and realizes she's far more than her insecurities about her height have led her to believe.

Tall Girl...what is there really to say about this film. It honestly has a really good idea for a premise. There is always something heartwarming about the idea of an anti-bullying stance, standing up against the oppressors. What this really is, however, is a half-baked idea, that never really manages to meet expectations.

The main issue with this film is its definition of bullying. We have a young woman who claims to be bullied. What we as the audience see, is a number of people simply asking "how is the weather up there?". Annoying yes, but bullying? I wouldn't go that far. There are a couple of instances further into the film that could constitute more elaborate bullying, but it was brought on by other elements, not by her being tall. 

It claims that our main protagonist being tall is an issue worth being bullied about, but she is a rather gorgeous young woman; blonde, with blue eyes, and perfect skin. She has the look of a character from a teen movie (just waiting for her to take off her glasses and let her hair down). She is attractive in the ways that a supermodel is attractive, and it really reduces the impact of any argument that her sister and mother may have at any point in time in the film. 

You could look perhaps look outside the obvious, and consider it a metaphor for general aspects that are bullied about (the idea that you are so ingrained about a certain "flaw" that you are unable to see your positive attributes), but the film is so ham-fisted, that there is no room for super deep metaphors. It is unfortunate because this whole idea of looking at how she reacts to this attention to an aspect that she dislikes, and her parents attempt to "fix" it, is the most engaging aspect of the film.

Because Tall Girl goes after the generic teen romance direction. It's annoying how cliché the film becomes. Despite an attempt to subvert expectations by developing the love interest in the film, and spending time with that character, no one but the main protagonist manages to get any significant screentime. Her sister, her best friends, they all get left to the wayside, in order to make room for this love interest story that has no strength behind it.

Tall Girl could have been something more, but it went down the generic paths, to do the generic things.  Cinematography and the soundtrack are nothing exceptional. Nothing stands out at all, and once the film concludes you wonder why you bothered giving it a go.